Christopher Brix

Computer Science PhD Candidate at RWTH Aachen University, Germany

Hello! I'm a computer science PhD candidate at the RWTH Aachen University in Germany, focusing on proving neural networks robust against adversarial examples. Previously, as a student research assistant, I've gained extensive experience in machine translation research using neural networks. I've published first-author papers at ACL, NeurIPS, and other venues, and have also had the opportunity to complete research internships at both Google and Amazon. I'm one of the organizers of the international neural network verification competition VNN-COMP.

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Latest publications:

Scalable Neural Network Verification with Branch-and-bound Inferred Cutting Planes, published in the Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2024

Provably Bounding Neural Network Preimages, published in the Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2023


  • 2021-2025

    Ph.D. Computer Science, RWTH Aachen University, Germany

    For my PhD thesis, I am investigating approaches that allow to generate mathematical proofs for properties of neural network, such as the robustness against adversarial attacks.

  • 2018-2020

    M.Sc. Computer Science, RWTH Aachen University, Germany

    I've continued to work as a student research assistant, co-authoring two publications. In my master thesis, I proposed and evaluated a new technique to prove the non-existance of adversarial examples in neural networks, using an improved version of symbolic propagation. It was graded 1.0. Final overall grade: 1.5

  • 2014-2018

    B.Sc. Computer Science, RWTH Aachen University, Germany

    Early on, I decided to specialize in machine learning, and attended several lectures and seminars on this topic. I also started to work as a student research assistant at our local chair for natural language processing. My bachelor thesis "Extension of the Attention Mechanism in Neural Machine Translation" dealt with the application of two-dimensional LSTM cells that could replace the attention mechanism in neural machine translation. It was graded 1.2. Final overall grade: 1.6

  • 2006-2014

    Konrad-Heresbach-Gymnasium Mettmann, Germany

    In high school, I've focussed on math, chemistry and computer science. As an additional project, I've teamed up with 2 friends and programmed an online browser-based economics simulation. In my free time, I became a tutor and mediator for younger students. Final grade: 1.0

Source: Peter Winandy


Scalable Neural Network Verification with Branch-and-bound Inferred Cutting Planes

D. Zhou, C. Brix, G. A. Hanasusanto, H. Zhang Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2024

Recently, cutting-plane methods such as GCP-CROWN have been explored to enhance neural network verifiers and made significant advancements. However, GCP-CROWN currently relies on generic cutting planes ("cuts") generated from external mixed integer programming (MIP) solvers. Due to the poor scalability of MIP solvers, large neural networks cannot benefit from these cutting planes. In this paper, we exploit the structure of the neural network verification problem to generate efficient and scalable cutting planes specific to this problem setting. We propose a novel approach, Branch-and-bound Inferred Cuts with COnstraint Strengthening (BICCOS), that leverages the logical relationships of neurons within verified subproblems in the branch-and-bound search tree, and we introduce cuts that preclude these relationships in other subproblems. We develop a mechanism that assigns influence scores to neurons in each path to allow the strengthening of these cuts. Furthermore, we design a multi-tree search technique to identify more cuts, effectively narrowing the search space and accelerating the BaB algorithm. Our results demonstrate that BICCOS can generate hundreds of useful cuts during the branch-and-bound process and consistently increase the number of verifiable instances compared to other state-of-the-art neural network verifiers on a wide range of benchmarks, including large networks that previous cutting plane methods could not scale to.

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Provably Bounding Neural Network Preimages

S. Kotha*, C. Brix*, Z. Kolter, K. Dvijotham, H. Zhang. *Shared first-authorship; Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2023

Neural network preimages describe the set of inputs that generate a given output set. There are many tools that perform forward verification and compute bounds on the output of the network given input constraints. We prove that the problem of approximating preimages can be reformulated such that forward verification tools can be applied. This yields significant speed and accuracy improvements. We also demonstrate that forward verification can benefit from encoding previously unused output constraints.

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First three years of the international verification of neural networks competition (VNN-COMP).

C. Brix, M. N. Müller, S. Bak, T. T. Johnson, C. Liu. International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT) 2023

The VNN-COMP is an international competition that compares state-of-the-art tools for the verification of safety-properties of neural networks. In this report, we summarize the development of the competition over the first three years.

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Two-Way Neural Machine Translation: A Proof of Concept for Bidirectional Translation Modeling using a Two-Dimensional Grid

P. Bahar, C. Brix, H. Ney. IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop 2021

Based upon our previous work on two-dimensional LSTMs in machine translation, we investigate a new architecture that allows to translate in both directions for a given language pair. As opposed to other multilingual setups, the translation direction is defined by the network architecture itself, instead of relying on additional tokens that indicate the translation direction.

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Debona: Decoupled Boundary Network Analysis for Tighter Bounds and Faster Adversarial Robustness Proofs

C. Brix, T. Noll. Unpublished

The summarised results of my master thesis, which provided an improvement for the computation of mathematical guarantees about the correctness of neural networks in the face of adversarial manipulation of the input. We provide a detailed comparison between our baseline "Neurify" and the new open source software toolkit "Debona" (total runtime reduction: 94%).

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Proving Non-Existence of Imperceptible Adversarial Examples in Deep Neural Networks Using Symbolic Propagation With Error Bounds

C. Brix (2020). Master thesis. RWTH Aachen University, Germany

Because neural networks are often used in safety-critical real-world applications, it is important to guarantee the correctness of their computations. Unfortunately, neural networks commonly fail for "adversarial examples", where a correctly classified input is misclassified once minor modifications are applied. For my master thesis, I proposed, implemented, and evaluated an improved technique for computing mathematical proofs about the amount of modifications that could be applied before a misclassification occurs. Compared to "Neurify", my updated open source toolkit "Debona" decreases the necessary runtime by up to 94%, which allows the analysis of larger and more complex networks.

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Successfully Applying the Stabilized Lottery Ticket Hypothesis to the Transformer Architecture

C. Brix, P. Bahar, H. Ney. 2020 Annual Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics

The stabilized lottery ticket hypothesis states that the (almost) untrained network already contains sparse sub-networks that can be trained to reach the same accuracy as the dense model. We test this hypothesis on the WMT 2014 En->De and En->Fr task using the transformer architecture, and compare it to other pruning techniques. Furthermore, we present a new combination of pruning techniquies that generates better performance than any individual technique.

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Towards Two-Dimensional Sequence to Sequence Model in Neural Machine Translation

P. Bahar, C. Brix, H. Ney. Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, pages 3009-3015. Association for Computational Linguistics

We describe a novel network architecture: A two-dimensional LSTM can process two separate sequences at the same time. By feeding in the source sentence, as well as the partial target hypothesis, the 2D-LSTM can internally attend to the relevant source positions. Therefore, we are able to use the final 2D-LSTM output directly to predict the next target token, and do not need an explicit decoder.

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Extension of the Attention Mechanism in Neural Machine Translation

C. Brix (2018). Bachelor thesis. RWTH Aachen University, Germany

For my bachelor thesis, I've analyzed several alternatives to the attention mechanism which usually determines which source positions to attend to. Besides a technique to re-encode the source sentence dependend on the partial target hypothesis, I've experimented with the usage of one- and two-dimensional LSTMs that summarize the source sentence. I also report first results for a network which solely consist of a two-dimensional LSTM and no additional decoder structure. This work later resulted in the EMNLP paper. If you are interested in the gradient calculations for multi-dimensional LSTMs, have a look!

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Empirical Investigation of Optimization Algorithms in Neural Machine Translation

P. Bahar, T. Alkhouli, J.-T. Peter, C. Brix, and H. Ney. The Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 108(1):13–25, 2017

In order to optimize neural networks, there are a lot of different optimization algorithms. In this paper, we compare and evaluate them with respect to convergence speed, translation quality, and training stability. We also report results on combinations of multiple algorithms.

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  • Jul 2024 -
    Nov 2024

    Applied Scientist Intern, Amazon (Seattle)

    I worked on two projects: I developed a benchmark and evaluation pipeline for the robustness/consistency of the Seller Assistant, a chat bot for Amazon selling partners, in the face of input perturbations. This allowed to identify critical inconsistencies and generate a comprehensive robustness score of the system. Furthermore, I investigated the relation between task complexity, network capacity and attainable network robustness by training more than 30,000 networks.

  • Jul 2023 -
    Nov 2023

    Applied Scientist Intern, Amazon (Boston)

    I replicated and extended AlphaDev, a reinforcement algorithm for code generation. AlphaDev requires extensive testing of the generated code to ensure its correctness. To extend the application to more complex tasks, I incorporated Dafny, a verification-aware programming language, to automatically prove code correctness.

  • Sep 2020 -
    Jan 2021

    Research SWE Intern, Google Zurich (remotely)

    During my internship, I investigated the application of a fine-tuned BERT model for named entity recognition. To this end, I analyzed multiple datasets, wrote an augmentation script and evaluated a variety of different training techniques. I was able to improve key metrics by up to 25 percentage points (57% to 82%). As a side project, I managed a program that connected interns with each other for 1:1 chats, setting up approximately 700 meetings.

  • Nov 2016 -
    Feb 2020

    Student Research Assistant, RWTH Aachen University

    At the Human Language Technology and Pattern Recognition chair (Professor Ney), I mainly focused on analyzing alternatives for the attention mechanism in NMT. I investigated the usage of two-dimensional LSTMs for machine translation tasks, implementing the corresponding code in C/CUDA and integrating it into the inhouse machine learning framework (RETURNN). Furthermore, I independently worked on a paper about comparisons and improvements of sparsity in complex network architectures.

  • Apr 2016 -
    Sep 2016

    Tutor for the lecture "Datastructures and Algorithms", RWTH Aachen University

    In weekly meetings, I explained the content of the lecture to a group of about 20 students. I was responsible for grading their homework and answering any questions. Topics included runtime analysis, formal proof of correctness, and sorting algorithms.


Photographer: Martin Breuer
  • 2024

    Heidelberg Laureate Forum

    I was selected as one of 200 young researchers worldwide to participate in the Heidelberg Laureate Forum. The forum is a week-long event where laureates of the Abel Prize, the Fields Medal, the Nevanlinna Prize, and the Turing Award meet with young researchers. I received the Abbe Grant to cover the costs of my participation.

  • 2021

    Invited Talk at Google Munich

    One of the teams working on privacy in machine learning invited me to talk about the current state of the art in network verification, as well as results from my master thesis.

  • 2020

    ICT Young Researcher Award

    For my research work, especially on novel network architectures in machine translation, I received the ICT Young Researcher Award from the Information and Communication Technology Committee of the RWTH Aachen University. The award included a monetary prize of €1500.

  • 2020

    Invited Talk at Fraunhofer IAIS

    The Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems invited me to give a presentation. Topics included both my own research, as well as an overview over current research topics in neural machine translation. Slides: Current State of Research in NMT (German version).

  • 2019

    Google NLP Summit

    As one of a limited number of master students, I was accepted to the 3rd NLP Summit organized by Google. In Zurich, we attended talks of Google researchers about cutting edge NLP technology. We discussed current open problems and presented our own research ideas. Total number of accepted attendees: 90.

  • 2016, 2018

    Received the scholarship "Deutschlandstipendium"

    Awarded a monetary prize of €3600 each.

  • 2016, 2017

    Member of the Dean's List

    Awarded to the top 5% of all CS students.

  • Christopher Brix
  • Willemslägerweg 15a
  • 52159 Roetgen
  • Germany
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